The photographer describes herself as "relatively shy", and if her work captures moments of intimacy, they are moments that most of us don't notice: limbs embraced fleetingly against a backdrop of rumbling sheets; a teenager's bottom exposed to the sun; bodies visible through steaming shower doors; fingers placed suggestively in ripe fruit etc... Li Hui's facility with light means that each vignette - she is deeply inspired by cinema - has a naive spontaneity, as if it had only been there for a few seconds.
The faces of the models remain absent from Li Hui's work. This confirms what most introverts advocate: you don't need eye contact to create a certain intimacy, the face ends up being a source of distraction. Li Hui's anonymous approach also makes sense from the point of view of her subjects. Her muses are those closest to her, and it is often the same people who appear in her photographs. Their identity is thus preserved. Li Hui has shown her work in various art exhibitions, mainly in China, the United States and Europe.