"There is no experience before the body. Everything passes through it. How does the body store emotions, memories and experiences? The territory, just as the body keeps in its craters, in its walls, in its jungles, rivers and seas routes of traumas, violence, joys and love converging in a way, sometimes contradictory, like life itself in a single place."

What happens then with the denied bodies and places, the discarded, the unwanted, the used, the manipulated, the alienated without which the system would not function as it does? What happens with a body and a place that has agency, that does not obey the imposed "rules"; a non-servile body? My work focuses on finding the routes to these answers; to trace them and give them a context focused on the reappropriation of their historical narrative, in order to dignify, to heal and to find ourselves from a place of "not-being". Thinking about these bodies, about us, the black, racialized people, those who have never belonged to a place, since the kidnapping of our ancestors. Trying to build that narrative route, history is blurred in a linear way; and I frequently observe that the past is perpetuated in our present/future. I work with different formats such as video, photography, performance, printmaking, collage, dactylography, textile; always intuitively, from archival historical and geographical material and identity exploration that are my main guide and the thematic origin from which my proposals are born.